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Beach Hut

Beach Hut Residency 2024

I started looking at artist residencies a couple of years ago, intrigued by the process and what it might provide for me and my practice. I struggled with locations, time required, experience required, potential cost required. Being an artist and working mother and low in confidence I put myself off.

But I still felt it would be beneficial, how could I get this experience on my own terms.

What did I need...? I needed a place, and a period of time, with specific parameters, low cost, and with a line of enquiry to pursue, I also knew I wanted to, mainly, be near the sea.

I explored a couple of options but had the idea hiring a beach hut and thought it might just be the perfect scenario, storing materials, space to work, location specific, relatively low cost and I am lucky to find Lyme Regis a manageable distance from home to fit in with the rest of working and family life.

I've gained so much from this project, I love the 'DIY' autonomy of it, the permission I have given myself and the focus to push forward my practice and thinking. So now it's a thing, the #BeachHutResidency and it's great.

The images below are from a week in March 2024. I am using the beach hut as my temporary studio, exploring my surroundings and my practice, in conversation with the land, sea and sky.  Some pieces are available to purchase please email with any interest. 


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