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Beach Hut Residency 2024

It's taken me a long time to record my Beach Hut Residency here this year. It was my third Spring inhabiting this space, treasuring the carved out time to converse with the sea and my growing practice.  The length of time it has taken me to properly look back on it and review reminds me how important it is to make time for just this, thinking time. We are all to easily caught up in the day to day and making time to reflect and dream up ideas can get lost along the way.  

I have found some brief notes written while I was there, 

In conversation with the landscape, our environment.  The world we are cradled in or on. Adoring it. Paying tribute to it. Following a compulsion as old as humans to record it and to share it.

Painting is thinking and not thinking. To step back. To get that perspective. Something which makes my heart beat faster when thoughts fall into place. This can only happen when I keep going, carry on being curious. Be wild, adore the land. Answer to the call of the hills and the woods and the water.

Everything is a work in progress.

For all artworks created during this time and a little bit more about the background of this residency please see Beach Hut

You can read a little about my first Residency here.


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