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Looking back at Somerset Open Studios 2020

Somerset Open Studios was an enlightening experience this year.   I think many of us were apprehensive about the new conditions it was being held under and many artists did a wonderful job of being digital only. It was tricky working without the usual art trail to follow and the lovely brochure we usually have to explore and scribble in but we are all learning new skills this year and who knows what opportunities our new understandings will bring.

I was delighted to spend a couple of weeks in the Yeovil Art Space meeting those who came to see my work 'in real life' and for all of those who I met because they came to explore something new.  So many conversations about creativity and community and inspiring and encouraging each other.  About how much art matters, culture connects and how keeping that going is so important to our health and mind.  Whether you are admiring something gorgeous, creating a masterpiece of scribbling with joy in pencil on paper.   If you get a chance please check out my Instagram feed and Highlights reel for photos from during the Open Studios event

So I'm saying a big thank you to Yeovil Art Space for being my venue and enabling me to public access and space that I just wouldn't have had at home.  It was a joy to be able to spread my wings out of my home studio space and seeing my work on other walls is always good.  I have special thanks to Zoe Li who's vision has brought Yeovil Art Space to life but mostly for her knowledge and conviction and her encouragement for my creativity.

Please check out and to find out more about these special emerging projects.


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